Rhonda Parker Taylor – Book Signing and Author Meet and Greet

Barnes & Nobles - Noblesville 17070 Mercantile Blvd., Noblesville, IN

Join me for the Crossroads Holiday Thriller Tour— an exciting series of book signings for my suspense novel Crossroads! Don’t miss the chance to get a signed copy, chat about the story, and explore the twists and turns of this thrilling read. I’ll be visiting Barnes & Noble locations across Indiana, so mark your calendars […]

Rhonda Parker Taylor – Book Signing and Author Meet and Greet

Barnes & Nobles - Greyhound Plaza 14790 Greyhound Plaza, Carmel, IN

Join me for the Crossroads Holiday Thriller Tour— an exciting series of book signings for my suspense novel Crossroads! Don’t miss the chance to get a signed copy, chat about the story, and explore the twists and turns of this thrilling read. I’ll be visiting Barnes & Noble locations across Indiana, so mark your calendars […]